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Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Nitrous Oxide Sedation, also known as laughing gas, can help both adults and children feel calmer and relaxed during the dental procedure. This is really helpful if they experience any dental anxiety or feel nervous about the treatment. Bramcountry can offer this method to enhance your comfort.

When you receive the nitrous oxide and oxide mixture, a small mask will be placed over your nose. You will be asked to breathe as regularly but deeply. Though the sedative will not put you to sleep, it will help you feel calmer and more relaxed. You will be able to respond normally and remain alert. The sensation will be temporary and will stop as soon as you discontinue the flow of sedation to the nose. After the procedure, our dentist will provide you with oxygen to completely clear out the sedatives from your system.

If you have additional questions about this type of dental sedation, or if you wish to schedule a consultation with one of our doctors, please contact our Bramcountry office today.

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