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 We welcome children and adults for cleanings and all routine dental care needs, which helps maintain that beautiful healthy smile you always dreamed of! We use cutting edge, state-of-the-art technology like intraoral cameras, digital x-rays, and lasers for soft tissue treatments. We are committed to making your child feel at ease during their visit. Our comprehensive solutions for children include tooth-colored fillings, space maintainers, athletic mouth guards, and sedation (nitrous “laughing gas”). We suggest that you bring your child in every 6 months for a checkup. Even though we work with our children to eat and brush better; we know it takes a while to incorporate these into the day to day routine. For this reason we suggest seeing them on a regular basis to catch simple filling when they are small. Your oral health has a significant impact on your overall well-being. Dr. Gurpreet Mohi and her competent team of dental professionals are committed to providing you with all the tools necessary to maintaining optimum health. View our list of Patient Services and feel free to call our office for more information. We look forward to serving you and your family here at Bramcountry Dental. 


DENTAL CLEANINGS Bramcountry Dental recommends at least two dental cleanings each year. We use only the most advanced dental technologies to ensure that your teeth cleanings are performed effectively and as comfortably as possible. Routine dental cleanings can also provide you with necessary education about ways you can improve your at-home dental routines. Dr. Gurpreet Mohi cares about your oral health and understands the importance of preventive dental care. In order to maintain a healthy smile, dental cleanings should be performed at least every six months to remove plaque and tartar. If plaque is left on teeth, either above or below the gum line, it can lead to unhealthy gums, bone loss, and/or tooth decay. Dental cleanings should include scaling, root planing and polishing, along with a complete periodontal evaluation. SEALANTS Sealants are preventive treatments designed to keep cavities and decay from affecting your teeth. These common dental procedures are affixed over the chewing surfaces of your rear teeth, helping to prevent bacteria from entering into crevices along the teeth and causing damage. Sealant treatments are typically performed for children, helping to keep harmful bacteria from the teeth for years to come. Sealants are thin layers of resin that are placed on the pits, fissures, and grooves of molars to prevent decay on these surfaces. The majority of decay on back teeth starts in the grooves and pits of chewing surfaces, especially during the first few years after their eruption. Sealing these surfaces with composite resins prevents this kind of decay. Sealants are one of the most effective methods of preventing decay on the surfaces where they are placed. Although it is still a possibility that decay may develop on surfaces in between teeth, sealants significantly reduce the overall chance of having cavities. Did you know… 
  • Dental sealants can last up to 10 years in the average patient.
  • Many Georgetown parents choose sealants for their kids because it is more affordable and less invasive to prevent cavities than it is to treat irreversible dental decay.
  • Sealants are white or clear in color, making them virtually invisible when talking, smiling or eating.
  • Dental sealants cover approximately 90 percent of the tooth structure and are 100 percent effective when fully preserved on the teeth.
Contact Bramcountry Dental for more information. ENDODONTICS (ROOT CANAL THERAPY) Root canal treatment is also known as endodontics. Root canal treatment is required when tooth decay has broken through the outer enamel and infected the heart of the tooth. The goal of Dr. Mohia is to try and save your natural teeth and avoid extractions. The reason for this is because removing natural teeth leaves gaps which the cause the other teeth to compensate. It can therefore affect your bite and then cause a host of other affiliated problems. But what happens when a tooth has become infected right in the center? Usually there is no avoiding an extraction, as the pulp is infected. Essentially, this means that the nerves at the heart of the tooth are slowing dying. Not to mention the fact that you will probably also be experiencing quite a bit of pain. Under these circumstances, most patients want a quick fix – an extraction. While extraction may remove the offending tooth, it is not the best option in the long term. We prefer to try root canal surgery first. This way, the infection can be cleared and the tooth can be kept in place. Contact Bramcountry Dental for more information about Root Canal Treatment.  


 In some cases a wisdom tooth can be removed under local anaesthetic. In this situation, the area around the tooth is made numb with an injection of local anaesthetic. Sometimes the local anaesthetic is combined with sedation to help you relax and allow you to go through the operation. Having sedation means that you will be conscious during the procedure, but will not be aware of what is going on. During the procedure Your dentist or oral surgeon may use different type of anesthesia depending on the expected complexity of the wisdom tooth extraction and your comfort level. Talk to your dentist about these different options. If you are anxious about having Wisdom Teeth or any other tooth extracted, we offer several levels of sedation to ensure that you are comfortable. 
  • Local Anaesthesia
  • Laughing Gas (Nitrous Oxide)
  • IV Sedation or General Anaesthesia
  • Sedation (Sleep) Dentistry
 At Bramcountry Dental, we understand that dental surgeries or extractions can be a source of anxiety. Therefore, our team of caring and knowledgeable dental professionals will do whatever we can to ensure you have a pleasant and stress-free experience with us. You can book a free consultation with one of our dentists to discuss your options in greater detail. 


 Nobody can plan for an emergency. Unfortunately, you get a toothache on the weekend, or a crown falls out, those are things that happen. For all of the unexpected things life throws at us, we are here to help you deal with them. We are usually able to accommodate dental emergencies the same day to get you out of pain and get looked after. Knowing what to do in advance of one can help you stay calm. Dental emergencies such as tooth injury, severe pain, and other issues can be addressed swiftly by our team here at the Bramcountry Dental. Injuries to the mouth may include teeth that are knocked out (avulsed), forced out of position and loosened (extruded) or fractured. In addition, lips, gums or cheeks are often cut. Oral injuries are often painful and should be treated by a dentist as soon as possible. How soon should I see a dentist? Immediately. Getting to a dentist within 30 minutes can make the difference between saving or losing a tooth. Your health and comfort are important to Bramcountry Dental. If you’re experiencing serious oral pain, please call us at 905-793-5151 without delay. 


 Your smile is one of your most important features. Dentistry is continuously evolving and with a variety of advanced treatment options, achieving a beautiful, healthy, aesthetic smile is made easy for patients of all ages. Are you ready for a Smile Makeover? If you’re considering cosmetic dental treatment, ask yourself a few simple questions: 
  • Do you hesitate when you smile?
  • Would you like to increase your self-confidence?
  • Do you want to look your best in social or professional situations?
  • Are you ready to reverse any dental imperfections you may have?
 If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, cosmetic dentistry may be the answer you’ve been looking for!

PORCELAIN VENEERS Not all beautiful teeth come from Mother Nature alone. Porcelain veneers provide attractive tooth shape, enhance your entire presentation, provide long-lasting teeth whitening, and are more stain resistant than other restorations. With our Bramcountry Dental cosmetic dentistry, you can count on the artistry and technical precision of highly trained dentists. Porcelain Veneers offers the ultimate in esthetics. A veneer is a thin facing or covering that bonds to the natural tooth structure. A much more conservative alternative to crowns (caps) that can give you the smile you have always dreamed of and deserve. Porcelain veneers are top line in cosmetic dentistry. If your teeth are chipped, broken, or discolored, porcelain veneers are a great way to change the color and shape of your teeth. Veneers can be a great alternative to braces for slight orthodontic problems and provide a beautiful smile in a short amount of time. The results are simply gorgeous! 

TEETH WHITENING Teeth whitening is, by far, the most popular cosmetic dental procedure. Dental Whitening procedures fit within almost any budget and the results are quick. Technically, there is a difference between teeth whitening and teeth bleaching. Whitening means to brighten your teeth by removing stain caused from staining foods and beverages (berries, coffee, wine, tea, etc). This stain removal whitens teeth back to their naturally white stage. Bleaching refers to lightening a tooth from the inside-out. Bleaching brightens the inside (dentin) of the tooth, thereby making the whole natural tooth whiter. Dr. Gurpreet Mohi and her associates uses a variety of teeth whitening techniques, including Zoom!®, to get your teeth their whitest and brightest. Zoom!® teeth whitening is the revolutionary in-office process that gets your teeth their whitest in just over an hour. Zoom!® tooth whitening can be the perfect solution for busy patients. This whitening treatment takes just one hour here in our office. Zoom!® treatments can lighten the teeth by up to 10 shades or more for many patients. To begin the process, Dr. Mohi will place a mouthguard in your mouth to protect your lips and gums from the whitening solution. Then, she will carefully apply the Zoom!® whitening gel on your teeth and activate it with a special light. This helps the gel penetrate your enamel and remove stains, yielding a more refreshing, whiter look to the teeth. Zoom!® teeth whitening is one of the most popular professional treatments available, and we are proud to offer it here at Bramcountry Dental. GUM CONTOURING Sometimes, it isn’t always your teeth that are the problem with your smile. Your gums can cause aesthetic problems too. People can lose confidence in the quality of their smile if they think that too much of their gums show. The good news is that this is an easy problem for a dentist to remedy. There is a technique available known as ‘gum contouring’. The dentist will use a laser to trim away and shape the gum tissue so that it looks neater and in proportion to the teeth. Dr. Gurpreet Mohi and her associates has established an excellent periodontal program that has helped many patients avoid tooth loss and maintain healthier bone levels. She and her associates in Bramcountry Dental offers gentle, comprehensive nonsurgical gum care and a soft-tissue program that has helped restore many smiles over the years. 


 DENTURES A complete set of teeth improves your confidence and self-esteem, but it also increases the longevity of your natural teeth by removing stress placed on them. Dentures are removable tooth prosthetics designed to look and function like natural teeth. For thousands of years, some form of denture has been used to fill in the gaps left by missing teeth, although today’s dentures are much more advanced and easier to care for. Most dentures are composed of replacement teeth attached to plastic bases that take on the appearance of the gums. They are used to compensate for one or more missing teeth, and are available as partials and complete sets of teeth. However, even the best dentures can’t compete with natural teeth in ability to chew food efficiently and comfortable. As the years go by, the supporting ridges that remain after teeth have been removed gradually change and get smaller. Patients should have their dentures checked at least once a year.

DENTAL IMPLANTS Implants are an increasingly popular alternative to dentures and bridges. Restoring your smile to its natural beauty has never been easier. Implants provide the most advanced solution for missing teeth, allowing you to talk, eat and smile with absolute confidence. They have many advantages, including their natural appearance, improved comfort and unequaled convenience. If you are considering implants, we can discuss the considerations and help you make the decision that is right for you. We can replace missing teeth with implants for people of all ages with esthetic and predictable results. Dental Implants have become a choice treatment option for many patients who are missing one or more teeth. A dental implant is a replacement tooth “root” constructed of medical grade titanium. Call Bramcountry Dental today to see if dental implants are right for you.

CROWNS AND BRIDGES Have you lost one or more teeth because of an injury or poor health? Missing teeth can make eating a nutritious diet and communicating with loved ones more difficult. What’s more, a gap in your smile can cause remaining teeth to move out of their proper alignment. But Dr. Mohi can help you restore what you’ve lost with a custom-made bridge. A bridge is a special prosthetic designed to help complete your smile and improve your health and well being. With your bridge in place you can look forward to enjoying a more balanced and nutritious diet, and you can smile with greater confidence. Dental crowns and bridges are custom-fitted tooth prosthetics that are used to replace or restore damaged or missing teeth. Crowns, or caps, are used to restore broken or cracked teeth. The new metal-free crowns eliminate the ugly black line you may have seen next to the gum line on older crowns. Metal free framework beneath the porcelain gives excellent aesthetic qualities to make the final restoration extremely natural looking. Bridges are used to fill in the gaps left by missing teeth and are anchored in place by the natural teeth or crowns nearest the empty space. Both crowns and bridges are non-removable and must be cemented in place by a licensed dentist. Patients who get crown or bridges to restore their smiles achieve both the function and appearance of natural, healthy teeth.


SEDATION DENTISTRY Imagine not being afraid to go to the dentist anymore and being able to accomplish all of your dental care in as little as one appointment. If you have been putting dental work off for years, Sedation Dentistry can change your life. You will be able to smile with confidence. What is sedation dentistry? Sedation dentistry is a safe and effective technique that helps patients be completely relaxed and comfortable during their dental appointments. There are a number of sedation options at our practice. Sedation dentistry is right for anyone who wants a comfortable and relaxing dental experience. It is especially useful if you: 
  • have dental fears which make you delay or avoid dental treatment.
  • have had a bad experience at the dentist in the past.
  • can’t get comfortable at the dental office.
  • can’t stand the sights, sounds or smells of a dental office.
  • can’t sit still during a dental appointment.
  • have problems getting numb, making appointment very painful.
  • need a lot of work done and don’t have time for several appointments.
  • are embarrassed about the condition of your teeth.
  • have a bad gag reflex.
  • have extremely sensitive teeth.
  • hate needles and shots.
 How You May Feel Most patients remember nothing about their treatment. A few will remember a little, usually at the end of the appointment when we are getting them ready to go home. You will need someone to bring you to our office on the day of your sedation appointment and you MUST have someone take you home afterwards. Safety of Sedation The reason that we use oral sedation is because of its safety. We use monitoring equipment to monitor your pulse and blood pressure. You’ll be done before you know it, completely unaware of the time passing, totally relaxed. We Offer Various levels of sedation to reduce your anxiety. You can go to sleep while we work and wake up with a new smile!


BRACES AND INVISIBLE BRACES Braces- Orthodontics You can have a beautiful smile with orthodontic braces.  Dr. Gurpreet Mohi and her associates perform orthodontic improvements for adult teeth. If you’ve lost all your baby teeth, you might be a candidate for getting your smile straightened out. Orthodontics is a specialty discipline of dentistry that focuses on alignment of the teeth and jaws to improve a person’s smile and oral health. Orthodontists will diagnose, treat and prevent irregularities of the teeth with the use of braces, which are fixed dental appliances, and removable dental appliances, when the braces are removed. These devices can be used to straighten teeth, correct an irregular bite, close unsightly gaps and bring teeth and lips into proper alignment. Crooked teeth that do not fit together correctly are harder to keep clean and are at risk of being lost early because of tooth decay or periodontal disease. Candidates for OrthodonticsThough the cosmetic concerns associated with misalignment remain the most popular reason for orthodontic treatment, there are numerous conditions that can be treated with the latest advances in braces and other correction methods. If you are experiencing any of the following, you may be a candidate for orthodontics:
  • Excessive spacing, gaps, or missing teeth
  • Overcrowding or teeth pushed together, making cleaning difficult
  • Overbite, underbite, or crossbite, causing teeth to wear down or
making eating and chewing difficult
  • Breathing, swallowing, chewing, or biting problems
  • Low self-image due to dissatisfaction with the appearance of
your smile
  • Pain in the neck, jaw, or jaw joint
 Invisible Braces One of the most popular treatments for teeth straightening available, Invisalign® typically offers fast, effective treatment with a series of discreet and removable clear aligner trays. Many adults and teenagers prefer this method for achieving more beautiful, even teeth. Why should I straighten my teeth? A straighter smile is also a more confident smile. But aside from the cosmetic benefits of treatment, straight teeth can also help you enjoy better oral health. That’s because misaligned teeth provide more spaces for food particles to become trapped in. As a result, those spaces become breeding grounds for bacteria. By straightening your smile with Invisalign, cleaning those spaces will be easier and your oral health may improve. Invisalign can also correct bite problems responsible for symptoms associated with bruxism or TMJ dysfunction. Those symptoms include teeth grinding, headaches, facial pain, and more. Benefits of Invisalign® Best among the benefits of Invisalign® is the ability to correct a wide variety of concerns, including misalignment, overbite, underbite, crossbite, gaps between teeth, and overcrowding. Additionally, there are several other cosmetic and functional advantages to using clear aligners for your orthodontic treatment, such as: 
  • The aligners are virtually invisible
  • The aligners are removable for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing
  • Reduced need for visits to the orthodontist
  • Less maintenance required when compared to metal braces
  • Greater comfort during the teeth-straightening process
  • Optimal results are often achieved in less time than it takes for other orthodontic techniques
 Not only is Invisalign® versatile in helping to correct a broad range of dental and orthodontic issues, but it really works. There are over a million patients who have undergone this treatment today! With lnvisalign®, you can straighten your teeth without the self-consciousness often associated with wearing metal braces or wires. Please contact Bramcountry Dental more information on lnvisalign®, or to schedule a consultation at our practice.

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